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200 Hr Vinyasa Flow - YogaOne 300 Hr - Kundalini, Ayurveda, Enneagram, Moon Goddess - Yoga Farm Nonprofit


Why do you love teaching yoga? 

I love to provide space for students to explore their yoga practice and guide them into challenging their beliefs / perception of the world.


What can students expect to experience in your class?

My classes are geared to be accessible to everyone - leaving room for individual expression and the ability for students to connect with their minds and spirits. I love using music (all kinds) so my classes are usually accompanied by a playlist to help students move further into their practice.


What is the greatest benefit of yoga?

There are so many benefits of yoga that I couldn't narrow it down to just one. My favorite thing about yoga is that it lends itself to connecting you to the part of yourself where you need it the most. For some people they may experience a flexibility/ connection with their bodies that they can't find elsewhere. Others may find a spiritual or mental connection within their practice. The only limit is where you want to take it.


Personal Inclusivity Statement 

My goal is to help everyone find a yoga practice and a way to connect with themselves. It is my firm belief that yoga should be accessible to everyone - regardless of class, race, or identity. The communities that need mindfulness are often the ones under-represented in the yoga community, so those are the ones near and dear to my heart.


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